The early bird catches the worm: Richard Kägi gets up before sunrise, goes out for a decent jog, then gets a large coffee and starts a productive morning of work. The fresh morning air combined with the aromatic smell of coffee help him stay focused. Checking e-mails, networking and replying to his correspondence – Richard Kägi is particularly productive and creative in the morning. The food scout and author also gets to indulge his creative side by researching exciting stories, creating unusual recipes and working on new projects. Richard Kägi is always on the lookout for new ideas for his next book, and takes on all challenges with gusto.

Research, recipe development and storytelling: but what does the life of a food scout actually look like? A day in the life of Richard Kägi gave us some exciting insights.

Richard “Richi” Kägi is one of the best-known food scouts in Switzerland. He has spent 27 years turning what is quite a specialist field into something of a brand. For example, there are the unique get-togethers which Kägi hosts two or three times a month for some 20 guests at his architecturally inspiring home on the Zürichberg.
Rather than eating a big lunch, Richard Kägi prefers to spend his time planning and creating new recipes and menus, always managing to bridge the gap between traditional cuisine and the latest food trends. He enjoys trying out new things to find the perfect recipe or create a balanced menu, inspired by culinary ideas from all over the globe. The food scout also draws inspiration from exchanges with the myriad of top chefs in his extensive network. Richard Kägi likes adventure and is always striving to exceed his limits, so it’s no surprise to find he’ll happily chop wood barefoot in his garden despite the snow and sub-zero temperatures. Spending time in the fresh air strengthens not only his immune system, but also his mind.

Whatever he does, Kägi is passionate about creating real, honest food that is as simple as possible. The food scout likes cooking on an open fire, but also values the versatility of modern kitchen equipment.
For Richard Kägi, the ideal evening features dinner with lots of guests. He’s a born host and loves to delight his guests with his latest creations and exciting stories, the focus always firmly on his love of great food. The current coronavirus situation means it’s unfortunately not possible to invite guests for meals. That’s not stopping him from celebrating good food each day anyway – the difference being that instead of making special meals for others, he’s making them for himself – because Richard Kägi lives for great food.