Crispy-skin barramundi with chilli jam


1 година 30 хвилин

Час готування

8 хвилин



Combair-Steam SL з 2015 року

Chilli jam

1 kg tomatoes

e.g. Roma

Score the tomatoes and put them in the perforated cooking tray. Steam.

Готування на парі 100 °C протягом 4 хв

Skin and chop the steamed tomatoes.

½ Spanish onion

2 cloves of garlic

6 chilli peppers

long, red

2 tsp olive oil

Deseed the chilli peppers, finely chop, along with the onion and garlic, and pan-fry in olive oil.

500 g sugar

1 lime

70 ml white wine vinegar

2 tsp sea salt

Add the tomatoes and all the other jam ingredients to a pan and simmer for 1 hour.


4 barramundi portions

about 130 g each, skin on, deboned


2 tbsp cornflour

Pat the fish dry with a kitchen towel, sprinkle with salt and rub skin-side with cornflour.

Прилад розігрівається

Розігріти робочу камеру до 230 °C PizzaPlus

2 tbsp oil

Put oil in the baking tray and then place the fish, skin-side down, in the oil. Put the baking tray into the preheated cooking space. Bake.

Засунути страву для випікання

PizzaPlus 230 °C протягом 8 хв

Serve the fish with the chilli jam.

Додаткова інформація



