Experience the unparalleled quality of V-ZUG products in our Studio. We combine puristic design with flawless functionality for elegant appliances for your home. The Swiss quality, attention to detail and technical innovation behind our products means performance and perfection you can feel. 

The showroom brings our brand to life to inspire you. Step inside to get up close to the latest V-ZUG appliances and see how easy and intuitive they are to use.


Route de Grône 78

3966 Réchy VS

We are happy to welcome you from Monday to Friday. To arrange a personal consultation, please use the option to book your individual consultation appointment online. If you would like a consultation outside the time slots listed, we will be happy to contact you by e-mail or telephone.

Book a personal advisory appointment at ZUGORAMA Valais:

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If you have plans, sketches or other documents, we will be happy to consult these to provide the best possible advice.

Max. 5.0MB, formats: pdf, png, jpg, doc, docx