Pasteis de nata


30 分钟


2 小时


25 分钟


Combair SE 自 2015 年


1 vanilla pod

400 ml milk

2 tbsp cornflour

115 g sugar

1 egg

2 egg yolk

Scrape out the vanilla seeds out of the pod, put the seeds into a saucepan together with the milk, cornflour, sugar, egg and egg yolks, mix well. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Take the saucepan from the heat and continue to stir

Pour the custard into a bowl and cover the surface with cling film to prevent a skin from forming. Chill the custard in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

1 puff pastry

rectangular, 32 × 44 mm

将发酵桶预加热 热风 到 190°C

Place the aluminium cases on the baking tray and spray them with non-stick baking spray. With the longest edge of the puff pastry rectangle facing you, roll the pastry as tightly as possible. Cut the pastry roll into 10 discs. Flatten the puff pastry discs and roll out into rounds. Place the rounds of pastry in the cases and fill them with the chilled custard. Put the baking tray into the preheated cooking space. Bake.


在 热风 期间为 190 25 分钟°C


Ready-made tartlet cases are also available to buy.



V-ZUG 瑞族

