Club sandwich with crispy prawns


45 dakika

Pişirme süresi

6 dakika



Combair-Steam SE 2015 itibarıyla


Pişirme bölgesini Izgara sirkülasyon havası ile 230°C'ye kadar (önceden) ısıtınız

6 slices of bread for toasting

Place the slices of bread side by side on the wire shelf.

4 prawns

large, peeled

2 tbsp plain flour

2 eggs


100 g Japanese panko breadcrumbs


4 strips of streaky bacon

Olive oil

Season the prawns with salt, then coat them in the following order: flour, egg, panko breadcrumbs. Place the breaded prawns on the lined baking tray and drizzle over a little olive oil. Add the strips of streaky bacon.

Put the baking tray at level 1 and the wire shelf with the toast at level 3 of the preheated cooking cooking space. Baking

Pişirilecek yemeği koyun

Izgara sirkülasyon havası esnasında 230 6 Dak.°C


2 tbsp aioli

2 tbsp mango chutney

2 eggs

1 tomato

½ avocado

4 leaves of lettuce

8 wooden skewers

Mix the aioli and mango chutney together.

Fry the eggs in the frying pan.

Wash and slice the tomato. Cut the avocado into strips.

Make two sandwiches with the ingredients in this order: slice of toast, lettuce, two prawns, slice of toast, aioli, avocado, bacon, tomato, fried egg and slice of toast.

Skewer each sandwich with four wooden skewers – one in each corner – and cut into four quarters.

200 g coleslaw

200 g chips

Serve the sandwiches with chips and coleslaw.

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