Salmon confit with rapeseed oil foam and avocado and potato mash


45 minutos

Tiempo de cocción

1 hora 20 minutos



Avocado and potato mash

4 potatoes


Peel and quarter the potatoes and then put into the perforated cooking tray. Put the tray into the cold cooking space. Steam.

Cocción al vapor 100 °C durante 45 Min.

1 avocado

2 tbsp butter


Peel the avocado, put in a saucepan together with the steamed potatoes and butter, then mash everything together. Season with salt to taste.

Rapeseed oil foam

30 g egg yolk

130 g egg

7 g mustard

6 g salt

250 ml rapeseed oil

Put the egg yolk, egg, mustard and salt into a tall vessel and blend using a handheld blender. Slowly add the rapeseed oil while still continuing to blend. Pour the mixture into a whipping siphon and charge with 2 capsules. Place the whipping siphon in a 50 °C water bath for about 30 minutes.


2 slices of salmon

1 stalk of lemongrass

1 chilli pepper

red, fresh

1 lemon


½ orange


1 kaffir lime leaf

4 tbsp olive oil


Salt the salmon. Bruise the lemongrass and cut it into three. Deseed and finely chop the chilli pepper. Put into the vacuum bag along with the lemon zest, orange zest, kaffir lime leaf, olive oil and salt, then vacuum seal on level 2. Place the salmon in the perforated cooking tray and put into the cooking space while still warm. Steam.

Introducir los alimentos

Cocción al vapor 48 °C durante 35 Min.

Take the salmon out of the bag, pat dry with a paper towel, place on a plate and flambé with a blowtorch.

To serve

Herb salad

Lemon oil

To serve, place the avocado and potato mash in the middle of the plate, arrange the salmon on top, spray the rapeseed oil foam on top of that, then sprinkle over the herb salad and drizzle over a little lemon oil.

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